Desires of the Unnamed Devices

                June | 2018
                Animation, 3D Prints, Plaster Sculptures

Hannah Arendt describes the launch of Sputnik as humanity’s first step toward shaping the conditions of our lives in the prologue of The Human Condition. She says that the launch represents the escape from our earth-bound existence. We have created many scientific and mechanical inventions out of necessity, and we sometimes use necessity as an excuse to satisfy individual political desires. In retrospect, by studying the devices of human invention, we understand people and learn to see society constructed based on desires.

Desires of the Unnamed Devices looks closely into the political, social, cultural, and linguistic issues caused by migration across borders. Nomadicism triggered by globalism has given us tolerance and the ability to look at the world from a single point of view, but it also forced us to witness many border conflicts as well as the impact of conservative immigration policies. There are various reasons for immigration, but this work documents people who experience issues of language, misunderstanding, and the paradox of communication through imaginary devices such as a vehicle that turns into a coffin in case its occupant is shot while crossing a border, and a brain that re-wires a machine to remove speech impediments.